Monday, July 10, 2006

Teaching Hatha Yoga: Should a Yoga Teacher be a Vegetarian?

There are many beliefs and myths about what one should do to become a Yoga teacher. Some Yoga teacher organizations do make official statements in regard to Yoga teacher ethics; and diet is included, sometimes.

However, if you teach Yoga, should you be a vegan? Are dairy foods and eggs okay? What about goats, chicken, or fish? Yes, some Yoga teachers do eat goat, but not beef. Some people still claim that fish feel no pain, but I never heard that from a Yogi. Are you confused? What is right and what is wrong?

Firstly, let’s step back a second. What you were taught about your religion and diet should be followed. This is for your spiritual health. You will feel more at ease, and you can live with it. Maybe Yoga teachers, and the world, could be a little more conscious of meat consumption and its consequences.

Due to the cultures people are raised in, they are used to the taste of a particular meat. An example of this is the global beef consumption. The Japanese had been used to eating whale meat. There are cultures that have acquired the taste of dogs and cats. Luckily, cannibalism has been outlawed worldwide.

Most of us are in agreement that our forests should be preserved. The forests serve as a filtering system for all of the fossil fuels we expel into the atmosphere.

Global warming may not be the only problem, if the last human on earth is gasping for oxygen. Removing any more forests, to make room for cattle to graze, is a slow form of global suicide. This only makes environmental sense.

Health problems, due to meat consumption, will require a book. If a person consumes any kind of meat, it should be in moderation. Obviously, there are better choices to eat than others, when considering cholesterol, cancer, and parasites.

Most of us have heard of Mad Cow, salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter. With fish consumption, mercury is always a factor. Fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fats, but consumption should be limited when you consider mercury. Pregnant women should get a professional opinion about any fish consumption.

For the record, flax seed oil is also a good source of Omega-3 fats. Therefore, we do not have to eat fish for Omega-3 fats. When you eat meat, you are always gambling that nothing will happen. This is life - and life is a gamble – however, let me approach one last point.

Is eating any kind of an animal humane - when we do not have to eat them? Does any one of us really think that animals feel no pain? In the past, I have heard people state than animals have no soul. Throughout history, some people made the same claims about slaves. Will our opinions of animals evolve over time?

In summary, Yoga instructors are teaching an holistic method of health for maintenance of mind, body, and spirit. When you teach Yoga, awareness is instilled within you and your students.

At the very least, global meat consumption should be cut back. This is in the best interest of human survival, and all life on this earth. Yoga teachers should be examples of holistic health and high moral standards.

© Copyright 2006 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Yoga Sutras are one of the six darshanas of Hindu or Vedic schools and, alongside the Bhagavad Gita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika, are a milestone in the history of Yoga. The book is a set of 195 aphorisms (sutras), which are short, terse phrases designed to be easy to memorize. Though brief, the Yoga Sutras are an enormously influential work that is just as relevant for yoga philosophy and practice today as it was when it was written.

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alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

Anonymous said...

great article! i strongly believe all yoga teachers should be vegetarians. otherwise how are they supposed to set an example to their students, especially when they talk about the ahimsa, or non-violence to all living things?

Anonymous said...

I'll slip off my shoes and lie down till Babe ties up the dog in the morning, said Ross.. Some children would be very glad to get spinach.. [3] Something like the smoked salmon in the dream of the deferred supper.. , the dream in which my friend Otto seems to show the symptoms of Basedow's disease.. Despite all his gentle, easygoing, laughter-loving existence, he found nothing incongruous or unnatural in this sudden act of violence.. Podington was about to say turned around, but he stopped.. When the storm was over, very tenderly she laid the gift aside, and bare-headed passed out into the night.. Once more the elder turned with lifted hand and shouted back: You're a liar, Balaam, goldarn you! You're er iffamous liar.. He had paddled a canoe, in his earlier days, he said, and he knew every river and creek in that vast stretch of landscape.. What will he do? Do? said Podington; he'll do what he is doing now; he doesn't mind trains.. The impression left is that the formation of obscure dreams proceeds as if a person had something to say which must be agreeable for another person upon whom he is dependent to hear.. In the psychoses these modes of operation of the psychic apparatus, which are normally suppressed in the waking state, reassert themselves, and then betray their inability to satisfy our wants in the outer world.. I watched the earnest, enthusiastic sacrifice. I suppose in reference to our case.. The Irish girl had gone to the door when he rang the bell, and recognized in him what she called an ould friend.. Caught, by gravy! ejaculated the driver, and, for the second time, he brought the coach to an abrupt stop.. His parents came home late and went to bed while he was feigning sleep.. The following are also prohibited, excepting to such Inmates as may have lost their faculties and cannot any longer make Puns of their own: ----your own hair or a wig; it will be long enough , etc.. Once the sleeping state overcome, the censorship resumes complete sway, and is now able to revoke that which was granted in a moment of weakness.. It occurred to me, the Major would begin--he was always ceremonious--that perhaps you might have found your duties at the--at your place of occupation--sufficiently arduous to enable you, Mr...

Sharon said...

I have terrible problems with muscle tension. I think yoga could help me but I'm wary of starting a video because I have a very weak right shoulder from an injury/surgery due to my muscle problems. How can I tell a good yoga instructor from a mediocre one? I need someone who will be very patient with me and let me learn the poses correctly without going too quickly.

Sharon :-)

Gina Alajar said...

I was once a vegetarian before though i don't practice yoga because its really hard.